Tony: Alvarez Security Series Read online

Page 3

  The interview went quickly and Simon called the DSS worker assigned to the case. After conferring with her for a few minutes, he turned back to Sherrie. “Want to grab some lunch while we’re out?”

  “Sure, anywhere’s fine,” she answered.

  “Do you know of any good places near the office? I’m still new to this side of town.”

  “There’s a great deli a few blocks from us. Good menu and good prices.”

  “Sounds like just the place for me,” he laughed.

  They soon were seated at a table near the back and welcomed the warm cup of cider from the owner. “Ahh,” Sherrie said. “This hits the spot on a cold day.”

  As they were eating, she asked, “Tell me about the cases you’ll be working on.”

  “Special interest?” he asked.

  “I was raised in the foster care system. Me and my sister.”

  At this, Simon’s surprised look had her wondering if she should have shared the information. “I hope that wasn’t too personal,” she said nervously. The crowd in the restaurant was noisy and she found herself leaning in close to be able to hear him.

  “No, not at all,” he assured her. “I just wasn’t expecting that. Please accept my apology for my stupid reaction.”

  “It wasn’t stupid. I just caught you off guard, that’s all. But when I was in the system, I never questioned it. But now, well I’m curious.”

  They continued their conversation for several more minutes while eating. She enjoyed learning about some of the cases he would be working on. It sounded much more interesting than delivering files for Mr. Marks.

  Lunch was now over and she rose to put her coat on as Simon made his way to the front to pay. Wrapping her scarf around her neck, she dropped her gloves from her pocket. Glancing around to see where they fell, a strong arm snaked out and snagged them. Still bending over she looked up to see who was holding them out to her. Tony. Just the sight of him had her heart pounding. Taking the proffered gloves, she noticed he held her elbow as she came to a stand.

  “Thank you,” she said, wishing his eyes were not so warm. So deep. As though…stop. He doesn’t see me that way.

  “You’re welcome,” he said, his voice raspy in a way that made her want to hear it when she first awoke in the morning after a night of…Jesus, stop. Just stop, she silently admonished herself.

  Glancing to the side, she saw Vinny and Jobe grinning from a nearby table. Nodding to them too, she realized that Tony’s eyes were now cold and hard as he was peering over her shoulder. Twisting her head to see what he was scowling at, she saw Simon standing almost right behind her.

  “You ready to head back, Sherrie?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She turned back to say goodbye, but Vinny and Jobe were already out of their seats and standing next to Tony creating a wall of masculinity.

  Feeling self-conscious, she said, “This is the new attorney Mr. Marks hired.” I don’t owe him an explanation, she thought angrily, but could not seem to keep her mouth from running as she made introductions. “Well, goodbye,” she mumbled, and with one last look at Tony she turned and walked away.

  Tony watched her walk away, having seen the hurt in those sky-blue eyes. And you put it there, you prick. Turning angrily back to toss some bills on the table he caught the look of censure from his friends. Fuck.

  Vinny and Jobe wisely kept quiet as they walked out into the brisk winter air. The three of them continued their silence as they drove to the job site. Tony did not usually do the security equipment installations but felt the need to work with his hands in the cold air as they worked on a new home in an expensive neighborhood—one where millions were spent on not only the homes, but the pools, tennis courts, and state-of-the-art security systems.

  If his men were surprised with his presence on the job, they did not say anything. They all knew what it was like to fight the demons in their heads with physical work. And if this was how Tony wanted to fight, then they would allow their Captain anything.

  Chapter 3

  A week later, Gabe walked into work tan, rested, and with a smile on his face. The others greeted him enthusiastically and asked about Jennifer.

  “It was great to just soak up some sun and eat great food. And to see Jennifer relax. Other than calling my parents every day to check on her brother, she really had a chance to rest.”

  Vinny looked over at his twin with mock hurt. “You know I’d have kept Ross and we two would have had a great time.”

  “Are you kidding? We would’ve come back and you’d have bought him every video game in existence and probably a dog as well,” Gabe laughed.

  “You two going to stay at your place?” Lily asked.

  Gabe gave her a hug, answering, “Well, we decided that we would start looking for a house. One with a yard, and then we’ll get a dog.”

  Vinny’s eyes lit up, happy for his brother. The settled-life was not for him, but he loved Jennifer and knew she was good for Gabe.

  “Anything new going on around here in the past week?” Gabe asked.

  “Nothing much. We had a briefing last week and mostly Tony’s been going out with us on security installations. Got some new contracts for systems and Jobe’s been going over the new equipment that came in.”

  Jobe piped up, “Glad you’re back. The new systems are amazing but I’ll be glad to have you checking them out.”

  Tony walked over, patting Gabe on the shoulder. “Good to have you back. Been catching up?”

  Gabe nodded and asked if there was anything he wanted him to do.

  “Just work with Jobe this week, if you would and, let me know if we want to order any more of the new systems.”

  Gabe nodded and then headed down the hall with Jobe and Vinny to the equipment storehouse. Turning around, he called out, “Hey Tony, would you like to have lunch today?”

  “Sure,” came the expected response, before Gabe continued down the hall.

  Vinny and Jobe looked at each other and then at Gabe. “We’re not invited?”

  “Nope, not today.”

  “Hell, I’m your brother,” Vinny pointed out.

  “Yes, but lunch is with Jennifer and I happen to have it on good authority that she’s inviting Sherrie.”

  Vinny and Jobe chuckled. “You playing cupid, bro?” Vinny quipped.

  “And you two don’t think it’s about time Captain gave it a shot again?”

  The two sobered as they pondered his words. “Yeah,” Jobe agreed. “I fuckin’ do.”

  Vinny nodded and his trademark shit-eatin’ grin spread across his face. “All right, but when it’s over, you gotta talk.”

  The men laughed and made their way into the room to start their day.


  Jennifer and Sherrie slid into the booth at the little Italian restaurant in the downtown area. Sherrie noticed her friend looked tan, rested, and…content.

  “So married life agrees with you or is that the honeymoon glow I’m detecting?” Sherrie teased.

  “Florida was so needed,” Jennifer said. “I wanted fun and sun in the middle of winter and was not about to fly out of the country and be so far away from Ross.”

  “Did he stay with Gabe’s parents?”

  “Yes, and when we got back yesterday I made Gabe drive us there to pick him up immediately. But he was so entranced with their place near the water that I think he’d just have soon us leave him,” Jennifer said.

  Before the waitress could take their orders, Sherrie heard Gabe’s voice booming. “Well, if it’s not my gorgeous bride.” She saw him slide into the booth, giving Jennifer a quick kiss. Glad to see him, she still felt a pang having wanted some girl time alone with her.

  Jennifer smiled at her husband and then looked over Sherrie’s shoulder. “Hi, Tony. Nice to see you again.”

  Before Sherrie could twist her head around, Tony slid into the booth next to her, effectively caging her in. And not looking particularly happy about it. Great, I get stuck with the one man on the planet
that can’t stand being with me.

  Tony glared at Gabe, knowing that he had been set up. I wonder if Sherrie was in on it. One glance to the side had him convinced that she was not. And looked about as happy to be stuck in this situation as he did.

  The scent of her shampoo wafted his way and his senses heightened. He noticed the way she tried to keep her leg from touching his. The way she nervously pushed her hair behind one ear. The way she sucked her lips in and then nibbled on the bottom one. The way she stole glances his way when she thought he was not looking.

  He fuckin’ noticed everything. And his body was reacting. If there was a woman I could be with, it would be her. But I’m not fit to be with anyone.

  The conversation was led mostly by Gabe and Jennifer as they tried to draw the other couple out. Tony finally relaxed, but noticed that it took longer for Sherrie to begin talking. At one humorous story from Gabe, she laughed and Tony could not get the sound of her out of his head. Melodious. Sparkling. Stretching his tall frame out, he placed his hand on the back of her seat.

  He saw her gaze land on his and she began biting her lip once again. What I wouldn’t give to be on those lips right now. Giving himself a mental shake, he knew what Gabe and Jennifer were doing. Forcing him to be in such close proximity would break down his barriers. Why couldn’t they understand that the idea of giving in to his growing feelings for her scared the shit out of him?

  Sherrie wished she could stop the pounding of her traitorous heart with Tony so near. The longing she had felt for almost a year was reaching a fevered pitch just because his arm was on the back of the booth. This is so unfair, she thought. Jennifer is going to get an earful when we’re alone again. The one man she would gladly take was the one man who seemed totally disinterested.

  Just then her phone vibrated with an incoming text. Glancing down, she saw it was from her sister. Charisse? We haven’t spoken in a year. Not since I told her that I couldn’t keep cleaning up her messes and until she was sober, not to call.

  Sick. Need you. Riverfront Hotel.

  What the hell are you up to now, Charisse? Looking up at Jennifer’s questioning expression, she said, “I’m sorry, I have to leave.” Turning to Tony, she implored, “If you could please let me out.”

  Tony did not move. Instead he held her gaze and questioned, “What’s wrong?”

  Blinking at him, she grew angry. “I have a personal visit I need to make. Someone needs me. Now please let me out.”

  “Not until you tell me what put that look in your eyes.”

  “Oh no, Tony Alvarez. You do not get to play this game.”

  “Not a game, Sherrie. I haven’t seen a look on your face like that since you were dealing with your sister.”

  She reared back in surprise, sucking in a shaky breath. “Tony, let me out. I have to see someone.” Looking over at Jennifer and Gabe, she said, “I’m so glad you’re back safe and sound. Please, let’s do this again at another time.” Turning to Tony, she just lifted her eyebrow at him waiting for him to move.

  He stared for a moment, watching her battle between anger and tears. She’s so fuckin’ strong, trying to hold her shit together, acting like she doesn’t need anyone. I’ll give you that play; hell, it’s not really not my place to push her to talk to me anyway.

  Sliding out of the booth, he let her pass and watched her as she began to walk out of the restaurant. He sat for a moment, realizing he missed her presence next to his. Damn, and that’s my fault.

  Looking down at Gabe and Jennifer, he gave a curt nod and followed Sherrie out of the door.

  Jennifer, snuggling in closer to her new husband, asked, “Gabe, do you—”

  He cut her off with a kiss. “Don’t sweat it, babe. Tony’s going to follow her to make sure she’s safe.” He chuckled. “As for your matchmaking, all it will take for him to make a move is to think she’s in danger.”

  Jennifer smiled and settled into the crook of Gabe’s arm as they continued to finish their lunch.


  Sherrie hurried outside and hailed a cab, giving him the dubious address of the Riverfront Hotel. While it was not the seediest hotel in the run down area, it still rented rooms by the hour. Charisse, if this is a ruse for money, then this is the last straw. Perhaps it had been the visit to the foster home that had her nostalgic for the days when she and her sister had been best friends. Running her hands through her hair, she leaned her head back with her eyes closed, trying to steel herself for the reunion.

  The cabbie let her off at the front door and asked if she wanted him to wait. Not having any idea how long this would take, or what shape her sister might be in if she were sick, she thanked him but sent him on his way. Turning, she looked up at the building and then quickly scanned to the left and right. A few people meandered around, but no one looked threatening. Her mind went back to the last time she saw her sister. Charisse had made her bed with the devil and when he wanted Sherrie, her sister called her into a trap. If it had not been for Tony’s rescue…

  “Why are you here?” came a deep voice from behind. Sherrie jumped, her heart pounding as she twisted around quickly, ready to flee.

  Tony? What the hell?

  Before she could ask that question aloud, he repeated, “Why are you here?”

  “I got a text.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “A text?”

  “I…someone is…I’m…uh…”

  “You wanna just try the simple truth?”

  “Not really.”

  At that he chuckled, stepping closer. Too close. Have to lean your head way back to hold his gaze kind of close. Licking her lips, she suddenly realized that she was glad he was there. She felt safer. As though with him near, she could forge ahead and face anything her sister could need.

  “Charisse?” came the question from his lips.

  Licking hers, she just nodded.

  “Christ, Sherrie. When was the last time you saw her? Huh? When she trapped you, had you drugged and kidnapped? By someone who was ready to haul you out of the country?”

  Sherrie snapped out of her Tony trance and glared. “I haven’t seen her in a year, okay? She just sent me a text saying she was sick.” Dragging her hand through her hair again, she said in a quiet voice. “I’m the only family she’s got, Tony.”

  Sherrie sounded so defeated at that moment, Tony wanted to take her in his arms and pull her close. Chase away the clouds, letting the sun that was Sherrie shine again. He forced himself to hold his itchy fingers back and not take her right then and throw her in his truck and drive away.

  Instead he nodded. “Then let’s go. We’ll see her together. You can decide if you can help and I’ll keep you safe.”

  At this, she just stared. He would do this for me? Slowly nodding, she agreed and turned toward the entrance.

  “But Sherrie,” he stopped her. “If I see anything that I don’t like, or if she does anything I don’t like…I’m getting you outta here.”

  Sucking in a huge breath and letting it out slowly as his words washed over her she nodded again. He cares. Underneath all that bravado, he cares.

  The two entered and with one glare from Tony to the desk clerk, they found out Charisse’s room. Taking the elevator to the third floor, they walked down the hall. Tony’s senses were alert. His op training had him scanning the area but felt no threat. He could not shake the feeling that something was not right, but he had no warning of danger.

  Arriving at Charisse’s door, Sherrie knocked several times. When no answer or sound came from within, she turned her gaze to Tony. Before she had a chance to ask, he quickly picked the easy lock. The door swung open, but Tony went in first. He was so tall and broad, Sherrie could not see around him.

  “Jesus, fuck,” he called out and before he could stop her, Sherrie skirted around him, running toward the bed. Charisse lay on the bed, drug paraphernalia around. Eyes wide open.

  Tony tagged Sherrie around the waist and lifted her easily off the ground. He had seen enough death
to know what it looked like. Felt like. Smelled like. And he knew Charisse was dead.

  Bicycling her legs, she tried to get down. “Tony, let go. Let me help her.”

  He wrapped both arms around her, effectively caging her in his embrace. “No, Sherrie. You can’t help her,” he said softly.

  She stopped moving long enough to see that her sister’s chest was not moving. No breaths. No movement at all.

  “Noooo,” she wailed, going limp in his arms.

  He was the only thing keeping her upright and he knew he needed to call the police. Turning around and shifting to hold her with one arm, he pulled out his phone, dialing Matt. Giving a quick run-down and location, he shoved his phone back into his pocket, returning both arms to her.

  “Tony…you have to let me go to her. I have to see her,” Sherrie sobbed. She twisted in his tight hold to see Charisse again.

  “Don’t want you to touch anything until Matt and Shane get here.”

  “I won’t touch anything, please. Please let me, please, please,” she begged.

  Knowing he should not, he felt helpless against her pleading. He loosened his hold slightly and she shot out of his arms, kneeling by the bed.

  She reached out a shaking finger to just a whisper away from her sister’s cheek. Holding her breath, she touched it gently, hoping to feel the warmth. The life. But only ice cold met her touch. Her breath rushed out in a single whoosh, causing Charisse’s hair to move in the breeze. Her hair. They had the same blonde hair. Often disinterested, temporary foster parents would not take the time to tell them apart. Too much like twins, one had complained when Sherrie corrected them for the hundredth time.

  Choking out a sob, she threw her head back, unleashing a wail in the room.

  “Fuck,” Tony ground out as he pulled her up from the floor and against his chest. Shoulda never let her down there, he chastised himself. Holding her shaking body tightly to his, he could not help but notice how neatly she fit into him. His arms wrapped securely around her middle with one hand cradling her head that was tucked perfectly underneath his chin with her cheek against his heart.